Charlotte Denton - Counsellor / Psychotherapist /Supervisor

MA, MBACP (Accredited)

I am currently only working online nationally and internationally, until further notice

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom
— Anais Nin

Hello and welcome to my website. I’m a passionate, qualified integrative counsellor/therapist and supervisor with a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice. I am an accredited member of the BACP.

Life and its challenges

In life we do our very best to get on with the cards we are dealt with.  However, it may be difficult, overwhelming, and challenging. We may suddenly face a change or choice that we can’t cope with or perhaps we haven’t dealt with something from our past which is influencing our lives today.  It can feel like having a splinter that is very deep and hurts. There are no visual signs for people to see what we are dealing with and at times we can ignore it because it “shouldn’t” be a problem, but every so often it reminds us of the pain we feel.

Perhaps you are feeling stuck, unable to get out of a rut, feeling lost, anxious or have low-self esteem.   We can often feel that we don’t fit in and need help exploring this. Or maybe you just can't put your finger on what is wrong or why you are feeling the way you do.

I will be by your side, be curious to see things through your window, and feel things the way you do, whilst helping you to gain a greater understanding of what is going on, and where it stems from in a safe and supportive way until you are ready to continue your journey of life. 

Coming to counselling can be very daunting and it’s important that you feel safe, heard and valued as an individual. I therefore offer a free 10-15 minute zoom/telephone consultation so we can establish if we will be able to have the relationship that will be helpful for you. I look forward to hearing from you.